Organic Certified
Don’t just go organic. Go Tropical.
Your customers think “organic” looks like this…
The reality is much different. Putting the USDA Organic logo on your product means adhering STRICTLY AND CONSISTENTLY to either the USDA NOP Organic Standard or the NSF/ANSI 305 Standard for Personal Care Products Containing Organic Ingredients. In English? From one production run to the next, Tropical Products formulates all of your products with only premium ingredients.
Premium ingredients? Absolutely. Every ingredient in our Certified Organic products meets all federal requirements for organic ingredients. With the exponential growth in Organic and Non GMO products, you need a manufacturing partner that can deliver on time, every time—with exacting consistency and quality.
Looking to develop a new product?
We’ve got you covered with decades of experience in every part of the manufacturing process. That means everything you put on the shelf reflects the hard-earned integrity of your brand. These are just a few of the products we can make for you: